“People always thought that they choose the hat they wear without realizing that the hat is the one that chooses the person. The hat is taking over the head of its owner indifferent of what the person is muttering. How and why the person is running after its hat? How people start killing their hats like they kill cockroaches. We will get to the period of bald heads, to the period of hats changing… The hat that is able not only to express all the obstacles of human life but also to outline with reliability the turmoil of a whole age. The creation process of this play by “The Bowler Hat” novel is both a challenge and an opportunity to go into this universe that Radichkov is, which looks into time like a mirror. This is a tragicomic game in which absurd and grotesque are going to blow the traditional order of things in order to show the pathology of everyday communication, the bitter truth about death of individuality, as well as the depersonalized person, lost into the material world.”
Katya Petrova, Director